So the image left is on of my 3D model I used because I don't have an HD profile picture. It started after I got C on my programming subject. I start to make a 3D game called “Petualangan di Negeri Aksara”with small team. After that I always make game with my own idealism. Now I make Orbiz with Anoman Studio. So here it is, welcome to my blog, and you’ll find posts about games, tech, art, and another flat jokes.
Honors and Awards
Institut Teknologi Bandung - October 2012
Gemastik atau Pagelaran Mahasiswa Nasional bidang Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Tahun 2013, merupakan program Direktorat Penilitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (DP2M) DIKTI, sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kualitas peserta didik sehingga mampu mengambil peran sebagai agen perubahan dalam memajukan TIK dan pemanfaatannya di Indonesia.
Finalist Game Development Category on Compfest 2013
Universitas Indonesia - Fakultas Ilmu Komputer (Computer Science) - September 2013
An annual One-Stop IT event held by students of Faculty of Computer Science University of Indonesia that consists of nationwide IT competitions and quality events. compfest.web.id
Top Best 75 Apps on Best Apps ID
Telkom Indonesia - September 2014
24 hours non-stop coding competition developing the best application to win the total prizes of billion rupiah including industry visit to silicon valley. http://bestapps.id/
First Place UMN Protowar 2014
UMN (Universitas Multimedia Nasional) - November 2014
A Game Development Competition organized by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
Most Innovative Game 2015 of Indonesia Indie Game Festival (IN.GAME)
Jogja Digital Valley - August 2015
IN.GAME is a local game developers community efforts to improve the quality of the game Indonesia in general once the games disseminate information to the public with the local works showcased dozens of the best games of the local indie developer. No doubt that a lot of local game developers have accomplished global arena but not a few game developers beginners who thirst for knowledge to improve the quality of their work. www.ingamefest.com
Runner Up of Most Promising Game GDG 2015
GDG Prime 2015 - Telkom University - November 2015
Game Developers Gathering (GDG) is a non-profit annual event for game developers and game industry practitioners in Indonesia to meet, network, share, and discuss new opportunities, design, and strategy. http://www.gamedevgathering.com/
The Speaker Of
6 Hours Make a Horror Game for PC with Unity 3D Workshop
Animotion Academy - October 18, 2014
6 Hours Make a Horror Game for Android with Unity 3D Workshop
Trunojoyo University Madura - November 10, 2014
Blender For Beginner Workshop
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya - November 1, 2015
Building Game Seminar
STIKOM University Surabaya - Desember 19, 2015
Animation For Games Seminar
Yudharta University Pasuruan - January 20, 2016
How To Make Android Game Seminar
STIKOM Poltek Cirebon - March 20, 2016
Feel free to connect.
email: contact@hendrikk.co