Square Enix Collection and Vote
Remember the game that I developed since November 2014 named Orbiz ? Yes ? Really ? Oke. The next 26 days will be our judgement day. I mean, that will be our hopeful phase because it's a vote phase to be working with Square Enix by Square Enix Collective program.
And What is Square Enix Collective and their missions ? So let's look at their about page. The About page says, It's a curated platform that enables creators to post ideas, and gamers to judge whether those ideas should become reality or not. If an idea is supported by the community, they may offer to support the project through crowdfunding as well, via Indiegogo or Kickstarter. Yes, I just copy then paste it here. If we’re successful, they may also offer to help distribute our game, which involves getting our game onto PC digital platforms, helping with QA and managing the sales administration. This is in return for 10% of revenue, net of taxes and digital platform fees.