Archive for February 2016

Optimizing Game in Unity 3D

There are so many ways to go to Rome, or another day dream city of your mind. But right now we are not talking about that travelling dream because it's still evening. So you are a game developer, or just person who will make a game and want to start developing with your dream team. Above is my Orbiz cinematic explosion view look and below is some tips about how we can optimize game on Unity 3D as our lovely editor. Here's the do and don't.

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So yes, I did the migration from my custom wordpress on the first and pay the renewal domain and hosting invoice for the next one year. Same theme, different engine. It's because I got hacked by a naughty boy, they show their email on my hacked page and then I emailed them. Asking how to fix it, why I can't login on my previous custom blog and they just reply "try to reset the password" then I'd tried and didn't work.

And yes, I prefer to use tumblr at first but I heard a rumor on my country that the government will block tumblr on my country because pornography aspect. That's not fair, I'm already migrate my post there before and using So (maybe) my final decision is using blogspot as my new home. I made it since 2011, and yesterday I was deleting about 200 post here. Then I migrated some post about Orbiz devlog and I lost my tutorial post about making game with unity 3d. No worry, I'll write it later. But if you miss my old post, you can visit here --> Powered by Blogger.